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strange user permission problems

Started by Tangerinus, February 20, 2015, 15:02:21 PM

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Hello, i am using joomla! 3.3.6 and virtuemart 3.0.4

I have strange user permission problems, every single user created (even regular ones) have access to backend virtuemart component through small button labeled as "new product" even thought nobody can change anything in it (if clicked on anything i get message "The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.") In global configuration under virtuemart settings and permissions no matter what i set the "new product" button is there and is clickable.
This happened after i tried to add new group and new user that would have access only to virtuemart in backend (i have since deleted the group and user). Any help will be appriecieated.


It seems i might have found my permission problems.
Table with name mysite_virtuemart_permgroups does not exist and is not created when recreating database tables. The question now is do i only need this one table or there are other tables connected to permissions, and is there any data that i need to add there.

GJC Web Design

the only mention of virtuemart_permgroups in VM3 I can find is in the un-install script

Is it created by Joomla? (not VM)
GJC Web Design
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table mysite_virtuemart_permgroups was a legacy of vm1 and is removed since long time.
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