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Synchronise media for sale

Started by coelho, April 01, 2015, 00:40:13 AM

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A serious problem was detected in version

So far, in previous versions of VM, you could add subfolders to the folder "forSale", where we used to organize the files to download (for sale)
In fact, in this version, the VM does not recognize any subfolder within the "safe folder" when we sync media files.  Only synchronizes files from the parent folder.

Can anyone help?  This will be rectified in the future?


The subfolders recognition is not for the safepath. The reason is that the safepath keeps also other directories. The idea is to create a subolder per vendor and a folder for media and there we could add the subfolders again.
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Thanks for answering.

If I understand the creation of subfolders that you are referring, will be located within the safepath?
If not, how can I be security of the files that have to sell? Are you provide for that?
Sorry if I figured wrong.


It is quite simple, you cannot use subfolders in the safepath.
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