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Account maintenance page

Started by RagingBull, September 10, 2014, 14:52:15 PM

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Hello to all,

I have started with virtuemart, I am good at joomla but virtuemart is kind of problem.
My joomla version is 2.5.20
VirtueMart 2.6.6

On my account maintenance page I have a problem. You can see on a picture. The first problem is when
someone register on a page everything is good, he can log in and can shopping, when he goes on
My Account on a website he see only Existing user, sign up here, user name and password. I wish he can change the account details, shipping details on this page or something.
Why is there Existing user, looking bad, because someone is registered here, and it's stupid to see this, on this site he must change his account details, shiiping and others, this is what I want.

Second problem on this page is: Forgot your pass and forgot your username, the field is usename and below is Forgot your password ?? Why this ? Totaly replace.

I will post a picture later that you can see a better.

Sorry for not so good english gramatik :(

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No reply great  :-\
I have another question, in login form module, when I go to create user account user registration field looking bad, can someone please tell me how to fix it, I can't find this code. I want this to show normal, vertical.
I know where is default.php of this module but how fix this, why is this so messy. Picture is in attachment.


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