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I Can't save short description with WYSIWYG and HTML

Started by nghikumho, July 30, 2014, 21:29:58 PM

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Current I did as instructed

But I can not edit code html. Because it no changed back when I save, it back as the beginning.

You can show me how to save html code with WYSIWYG + HTML

Thanks very much.


You must be superadmin, all others are not allowed todo that
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Now I'm using right Superuser

(I use joomla 2.5.20 VirtueMart 2.6.6)

I'm change administrator/components?com_virtuemart/views/product_edit_description.php

Change this
<textarea class="inputbox" name="product_s_desc" id="short_desc" cols="65" rows="3" ><?php echo $this->product->product_s_desc; ?></textarea>

To this
<?php echo $this->editor->display('product_s_desc',  $this->product->product_s_desc, '100%;', '550', '75', '20', array('pagebreak', 'readmore') ) ; ?>

When I switch to toggle the editor to insert html code then save it again when I return to the beginning. I think part toggle editing editor html code does not work. You can help me how to insert html code in html or edit a short description.

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Please check the age of this thread. The posted code was for 2011. You do not need to alter any files since years. Please use vm2.6.6 at least and the latest code.

To have two times an editor on view can create trouble. Please consider also that html in short descriptions are in 90% of the cases wrong and should be done by the template itself.
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