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Add YouTube embed to category description > Code is stripped

Started by BjornOnPole, June 10, 2014, 11:31:15 AM

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My client would like to add a embedded YouTube played to a VirtueMart category description. I can do this anywhere else (product description, an article, etc) but not in the category description.
The code is stripped on save.

We use JCE and RSFirewall. I've checked all settings to allow iframes. Plus, I can add a embed Youtube to any other place other than category description, so it is confirmed to work.

In Joomla's global configuration the text filters are all set to No Filter.

Here is the strange thing:

If I go to public_html/libraries/joomla/filter/input.php, and in the $tagBlacklist array I remove 'iframe', then the code is not stripped anymore.
It seems to me that this code is still being used in the category description page, even though Joomla's global configuration is set to No Filter.

Now this is a temporary fix, but after a Joomla update this fix will be overridden and I have to apply it again, so that is why I am searching for a permanent fix for this issue.

If anyone here could help with this, that would be awesome.

Thanks in advance,

Bjorn Elsing


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


So why does the embed code work anywhere but in the category description?
Is VirtueMart stripping these codes?
I don't want to install another plugin, if the error is within VirtueMart itself.