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Recaptcha not showing in ask a question

Started by hiwirecreative, June 05, 2014, 23:16:40 PM

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I have done an exhaustive search, and I sure hope I didn't just miss this topic, but I can't find my specific problem anywhere.

I am using vituemart 2.6.6 on Joomla 2.5.19.

I have activated the "use recaptcha" and "allow ask a question" and "allow non-logged in users" check boxes in the Virtuemart configuration, in order to allow customers to submit questions. When you click on the link, the popup works as normal, but the Recaptcha does not show in the popup. But when I fill out the form, I still get the error that the captcha is not correct. Obviously I can't input the captcha if it doesn't show on the form.

I have refreshed the pages, cleared the Joomla cache, cleared my browser cache and used another browser, all with the same result. If I turn on the recommend to a friend, the captcha shows on that popup, so I know it should be working.

Any help would be appreciated as to why the recaptcha is not showing up in the ask a question box.

The website URL is

Thanks in advance for your help.

GJC Web Design

Your using a Gavik template  - I would think the answer has to come from them ..  the ask popup is using facebox scripting instead of the fancybox of the std vm install
perhaps that has something to do with it?

is the captcha code in the Gavik ask template?

<?php // captcha addition
if(VmConfig::get ('ask_captcha')){
$dispatcher JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onInit','dynamic_recaptcha_1');

<div id="dynamic_recaptcha_1"></div>
// end of captcha addition 
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Thanks you for your reply. As it turns out there is a template override form.php inside my template folder. I had not seen this before and was only looking at the Virtuemart Component folder form.php file.

I added the captcha code into the template file and now the captcha is working perfectly. Your prompt response is appreciated.