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Export shoppers

Started by pm4698, June 09, 2014, 11:21:30 AM

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Hello there,

If i go to my database i see 2 tables:

prefix_virtuemart_userinfos and prefix_virtuemart_vmusers.

All i need to do is export all shoppers with all their details (name,lastname,address,e-mail etc).

If i go into those 2 tables i cannot see e-mail stored in it.

An idea is to export this table and also export prefix_users table and somehow join those, but i don't know if its the right way or if i can do something different.

Thank you in advance

GJC Web Design

email is in the Joomla users table - the vm users are linked to Jusers - so u need to join that table as well
GJC Web Design
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