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Discount per product category group

Started by PeterSwe, April 09, 2014, 23:28:44 PM

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I wonder if somebody know someone who has developed a solution where you can set a discount per product category. I know I can set a discount for different shopper groups but I have a need to set different discounts for shopper groups per product category. If a special customers are logged in to the e-shop I want be able to set different discounts per product category for this special customer, e.g. 20 % discount for product category 1, 15 % discount for product category 2 and 7 % for product category 3.
Thanksful for suggestions,


Tax & Calculation Rules can be applied per category as well as per shopper group. This is in VM2.6 - don't have any earlier versions now to check.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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