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Products per row

Started by gcarne, March 23, 2014, 13:57:43 PM

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There are lots of posts on the subject of "default number of products per row", but none of them have solved my problem. Am using VM 2.0.20b and Joomla 2.5.19.

I always get defaulted 3 products per row in language en-EN and 4 products per row in language de-DE regardless of my settings. If I set Configuration->Templates->"Default number of products in a row" = 1 and  Products->Product Categories-><myCategory>->"Default Number of Products per Row" = 1, I still get the 3 resp. 4 products displayed as default. I actually want 3 products per row for both de-DE and en-EN. The described example setting it to 1 product per row above I used as "trial-and-error" to see if I could control this.

Any help would be appreciated. If suggesting a code change or override, please include the path to the file.


K&K media production

I think it depends on your template, maybe wrong css. Please try the default beez template without any overrides.


Thanks for responding. I am a bit closer in my analyses, but not quite there yet. To the right of the products in the front-end there are the three buttons tabs-1, tabs-2 and tabs-2 on which one can click to change the number of products per line. On my site these are defaulted with tabs-2 in en-EN and tabs-3 in de-DE. I have found these tabs in virtuemart2.css and vmsite-ltr.css where I can turn them off using "display:none", which I will also eventually do, but I have not found how/where the tabs-1, tabs-2 and tabs-3 are defaulted and this seems, at least for now, to be what I need.

The only language dependency relevant to my problem that I can find is on the category, but I find no place in the category where it could default to tabs-2.

PS1. beez5 and beez_20 are not available in my Template Manager, although the directories are there under root/templates. Perhaps not an issue at this point in time.

PS2. If I can resolve my problem by defaulting to tabs-2 in both languages, I do not, at least not now, need to know why the customizing settings for number of products per line do not work. It would be useful to know, but at least not a show-stopper.


K&K media production

This is not a vm feature with tabs. It seems your template works not correct and you may ask the template developer. We don't know the code of these template and can't say what is wrong.


Marked in red in the attached jpg are the tabs-1, tabs-2 and tabs-3. Coding for these is found in the above mentioned vm-files. Please confirm that this is not from VirteuMart. I will then go to astemplates and ask them for a solution.
Thanks and best regards,

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K&K media production

Hello Gunnar

Yes, this feature is not from virtuemart, this is from your template. It seems your template works not with the default configuration in BA. Maybe the template is to old for this vm version and must adapt. Best thing is to ask astemplates.



Thanks for your patience  :)

I eventually found the default.php holding the tabs-fields which is a much bigger file than the one written by VM. I am able to turn the fields off, but due to my lack of knowledge in html, I cannot figure out how the defaulting is done. Will contact astemplates and see if they can give me a solution to this show-stopper.

Best regards,