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How to allow my customer to upload a file when he's buying

Started by Council Anderson, March 18, 2014, 15:08:56 PM

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Council Anderson

Hello everybody,

My settings:
Joomla : 2.5.14
Virtuemart : 2.0.26d

My Question is:
I wonder if there is a component which can, while a customer add a product, allow him to upload a file in the same time.
I saw the extensions :
(a little bit expensive) but which seems able to do the thing i want
which can allow to use custom fields to do the upload

What do you think about these 2 ? And is there any others similar ?

Thank you for your help and very sorry for my bad english.

Kind regards.


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Council Anderson

 :o argh... 119$ is too expensive for me but thank you for your contribution.


Please check this extension. almost half the price and should do the same and buying at supports the virtuemart development
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