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Price per piece shown on site, multiplied by amount in box in shopcart.

Started by FobianV, September 12, 2013, 11:48:53 AM

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So, i have this issue. I am currently trying to get something to work, but there is no option for it, i wonder if it is even doable.

This is the issue:
- Customer sees Price a piece (For example 0.77), but there are 10 of them in a package.
- Customer clicks "Add to Cart"
- Customer sees 7.77 added to the cart in stead of 0.77 (Because it is multiplied by ten!)

This is much more interesting for the customers, because they can see how low the price is a piece, but they can only order a set amount (In this case, per 10).

So: The price that is put into the import excel file should be the price per BOX, but the site must recalculate it by the amount in the box, and show that price. Yet when the "add cart" is clicked it will add the price per BOX instead of the price per piece.

I just explained the issue in 2 different ways, if one of them isn't clear enough.

Hope this is doable!!, and, thanks in advance!

Maxim Pishnyak

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I see how you can create "Order amounts per 30 / 50 / 60" etc. And that will calculate the price per piece times the amount of pieces there are in the box. But that's not how I want it. It will get confusing when the order gets through. It will say "60 Product A" on the order form, but in reality it may be 2 boxes with 30 pieces per box. This will get confusing for the guys working here.

But I can't seem to get the "Article Sizes and measurements" -> "Units per Box" connected to the price.
Whatever i check, or uncheck, it will remain showing the total price on the page and in the cart. But i want the piece price to be shown on the page, and the box price in the cart.

Simply put: I want one price, for 1 box, but to have it shown devided by the amount of units there are in the box.

Maxim Pishnyak

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Hello,Similar with me. J 2.5.10 and VM 2.0.24
How to configure price per square meter and price per package (as there's i.e. 2,4 sqm / package, it depends of product)?

I'm selling laminated flooring. Key information for customer browsing shop online is price per square meter, but when customer adds, let say "5" items to cart, he adds actually 5x2,4sqm so he should see the price for 12sqm in his cart. How to get it? Or where to find docs about that issue?


I've done this once in the template view.
In my case a had spools of 15Kg or more and it is custom to use a price per Kg. If it's still of interest to you I will look for the code I used.
Point of sale for Virtuemart


hi, i'm replying here to say that i wanted to do the same thing (described in the first message) and achieved it easily by hiring a developer to do this. very easy to do, although i can't explain it - but it is definitly achivable and very needed for stores selling for other businesses (B2B).