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Product URLs in Virtuemart 2 admin not there

Started by Rad1, January 02, 2014, 18:57:50 PM

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the product URL's that I need for exporting and feeding to Google are not appearing
the whole site has worked well for a while but now I need to resolve this

to confirm:
product set up page in admin where you put the sku, title, price etc. has a section for the product URL
this used to auto create in VM1 but doesn't do this in my VM2 version

if it has been asked and solved please feel free to point me to the solved thread

its driving me crazy



That is for a url that can be added into the productdetails view template using <?php echo $this->product->product_url ?>   The advantage of this is that a link can be inserted on the product page, eg to an external reference, without the http:etc being stripped out. It can also be used to insert a text string if required.

For an example of how to provide suitable product export see
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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