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Search module - few problems (category limit)

Started by sfinx, October 21, 2013, 11:25:03 AM

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I am having a problem with VM search module. It worked perfectly until I added menu items for shop categories. I added menu items because of URLs (before there was ...index.php/component/virtuemart/...)
What happens is that search results are now limited only to category that you are in. If you search from front page it works ok.

I than tried to disable all new menu items related to category and made only one -type  "VirtueMart ยป Front page" I thought it might be a compromise I ll have to make...  The problem in this case now is that search works in all categories, but search resaults are displayed with Category title. (like Search keyword and Category title that I was in at the moment I pressed search).

Does anyone have a solution to this? I realy need this menu item urls and search module to work together.


Joomla 2.5, VM 2.0.22

p.s. My module settings are not limited in anyway to category.