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Bulk change of -default- to "Please Select" of all products?

Started by skullmonkey, February 12, 2013, 18:28:49 PM

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I need to change the -defalut- selection into "Please Select" for all products under Product Information/Product Pricing. Is there a way to do this?



I assume you mean the shoppergroup selector.

In phpMyAdmin run this SQL  (check on a backup copy)

UPDATE ###_virtuemart_product_prices
SET virtuemart_shoppergroup_id=NULL

(where ### is your table prefix)
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Quote from: jenkinhill on February 13, 2013, 00:16:19 AM
I assume you mean the shoppergroup selector.

In phpMyAdmin run this SQL  (check on a backup copy)

UPDATE ###_virtuemart_product_prices
SET virtuemart_shoppergroup_id=NULL

(where ### is your table prefix)
As always. Fast and precise! :D Thanks, exactly what I needed.

Best regards,


Hey :D
Its me again. I need to do this same thing but now for all Categories and for fields Category Browse Page and Default Product Details Page from something to No override.

Can you help me with this?



I have 2 diferent prices for 2 diferent groops (-Anonymous) that I would like to change to "Please Select" and special shopper groope (Veleprodaja) that I would like to leave as it is.

With your answer I get the bouth price groops the ("Please Select"), but I would like to leave the second prices in special groope as it is now.

How can I do that?

I came here from:;topicseen

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Maxim Pishnyak

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Is there any other posibility? I have try CSVI, but it was always some errors in my case.

Maybe to add some SQL code to the code

UPDATE ###_virtuemart_product_prices
SET virtuemart_shoppergroup_id=NULL

Maxim Pishnyak

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I use CSVI free version 4.5.5 on joomla 2.5 and virtuemart 2.0.20b.

When I export two products that have two diferent prices, I see olny 3 prices and 3 shopper_groopes and not 4.

I would like to change groope for price, from anonymouse to empty(for default and anonymouse users) with CSVI free, but it is not working, because I do not see prices for empty (select groop) when I export products. How can I fix that?

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Maxim Pishnyak

As I see it doesn't make a sense to have empty in group field for a product with multiple prices.
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How to define goupe for price that is shown to anonymouse and registrated users?

In WM 1 I hade (defaulte and special groupe). Default price was seen to all users and to registrated one and special price was seen to special groupe that I choose from registrated users.
In VM 2 I have problem, that defaulte prices are not shown to -anonymouse users (not registrated) but just to registrated users (default).

If I do not choose any groupe for first price it is shown to anonymouse and registrated users. This is OK.
If I choose -anonymuse groupe for first price it is shown to anonymouse but not to registrated users. This is not ok, because registrated users do not see price.
If I choose defaulte groupe for first price the price is shown just to registrated users, and not to new anonymouse users.

What I do wrong? How to proprer use multiple prices?



For a price to be seen by all except your special group do not select a shopper group, ie leave as available for all. For the special shopper group you should enable "Enable shoppergroup specific price display" in the shopper group editor and add the additional price for the products that need it, assigning them to the special shopper group.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Ok, so how can I do?

1. change -anonymouse groupe for first price for 1000 products to empty(seen for all people exept special groupe) whit CSVI, that I have problem and I explaned in question before
2. How to make that all new registrated users become also default and -anonymouse

Thanks for help.

Maxim Pishnyak

Could you post a screen shot of some of your CSVI rows?
Don't registered become default?
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I did send screeshot of csvi rows?

I am sending it again.

(the new registrated users are default, but I have first prices -anonymouse)


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