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What does bill to address mean?

Started by peaceandlove, October 19, 2013, 17:44:34 PM

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I want to in our shoppting cart there is two address

Bill To

Shipping address will be the customer who buy

But its looks to me logically Bill to address is also contain customer Address not the site admin address? Am i right or wrong? As if you see our site , and add a user and go to shopping cart 'New user' cannot cahnge BILL TO address , even if he change , it again changes to admin of the site addres?

Is this how VM2 work? Is this logically correct

Sorry, I am new to VM and might be its basis question but i am confused.


The billing address is the invoice address and the cardholders address if paying by card.

The shipping address can be different if required by a customer.

Generally a different shipping address is not added by the customer and is the "same as billing"


Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


The problem is , If you just logged in to our webiste
and create an account, after registeration activation, goto Online Store then Accouts Maintance, the billing addres is already filled up , and contains the site admin address,phone,zip etc Even if i change it, and then logged out and relog in the address again cahnge to admin,

Looks strange to me, Can you please see and tell me whats wrong

I cannot able to change 'bill to' address, it always coming what the admin detail is