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Combined FAQ and Contact Form Component for VM2

Started by WebStuff, September 11, 2013, 19:13:46 PM

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I'm looking for a way to cut down on customer phone calls and emails to our staff.
We have a FAQ on our site which answers pretty much all of the enquiries we get but people are not reading it or searching it first. They are just going straight to the Contact Us form and getting the phone number or filling in the form and emailing us with questions that are already answered in the FAQ.
I've seen on other sites where you have to pick categories then click on questions that have been answered already then if none of these will do there is a "Not one of these questions" option and a contact form then appears.

Does anyone know of a component that does this sort of thing. I have searched extensions.joomla and vm extensions but all the components I've trawled through and demo-ed are just contact forms or just FAQ solutions both of which I have.

Any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Maxim Pishnyak

I can't get why do you think that mentioned by you stuff is 'for VM2'.
Quote from: mirrorsandglass on September 11, 2013, 19:13:46 PM
I have searched extensions.joomla
Probably extension with mentioned by you feature is not created still. But ... what JED section did you look into?
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