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Page Title Missing after upgrade to 2.0.20a - Expert needed

Started by Giladd, March 18, 2013, 12:14:49 PM

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Giladd, I hope that the new VM update will get published soon. There you can define an alternative page title, meta keywords, metadescriptions, meta robots with a few more alternatives Joomla offers by default an author name for the VM default page too. I use the developer Version 2.0.21H for my webpage. It seems to be very stable and fast. So you do not need to enter anything while defining VM menu items in Joomla inside the menu item creation fields, just the title. Then you go into VM configuration and enter your shop infos. You can even change the title here, if necessary.


How works this solution for you ?

if ($menu){
$menuTitle = $menu->params->get('page_title');
if(empty($menuTitle)) {
$menuTitle = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_HOME',$vendor->vendor_store_name);
} else {
$title = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_HOME',$vendor->vendor_store_name);
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Hi everyone
I am also facing the same problem.
I tried to upgrade virtuemart version to 2.0.22a but updating using live update failed and throws an error "Invalid Token, in store config".
I even tried to dig out the code of view.html.php file at components>com_virtuemart>views>category.
Changed the code from :

// Set the titles
      if (!empty($category->customtitle)) {
              $title = strip_tags($category->customtitle).'1';
             } elseif (!empty($category->category_name)) {
         $title = strip_tags($category->category_name);
      else {
         $title = $this->setTitleByJMenu($app);

// Set the titles
      if (!empty($category->customtitle)) {
              $title = strip_tags($category->customtitle).'1';
             } elseif (!empty($category->category_name)) {
      //   $title = strip_tags($category->category_name);
      else {
         $title = $this->setTitleByJMenu($app);

What I observed was, while browsing to any category page, while loading the page first time, there is no title but refreshing the same page displays the required title.

Please help me in figuring out the problem.


There seems to be a little confusion here, this topic is talking about the VM HOMEPAGE of your shop. The main page title for your shop which by default said "welcome to shopname".

Current version 2.022a solved this issue and now the meta title available in the config is being read so you can define your own title, for me it works fine same as the categories where you can also define the meta title.
