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Advanced Shipping Rules

Started by Marne, July 11, 2014, 21:55:39 PM

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Can somebody please help me! I purchased the Advanced Shipping rules for VM2 and am trying to set it up as below:

Weight<=4;  Shipping=5.75
Weight>4; Shipping=10.25
Name=Free shipping! Your order is over $50; 50>= Amount;Shipping=0

The problem is that the Free Shipping is not working. I have tried it several different ways! We have now had to make a separate free shipping and have them both published...when my customers checkout they choose if they want to pay for shipping or take the free shipping. I see that this is going to cause confusion and upset customers. Where are we going wrong? Is it because I am using weight and then $ amount? I would think that it is programmed better than that. Can somebody please help!

Thank you!


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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Hi and thanks for the reply. The Opentools site is where I was originally. I just got an email from Reinhold, and he stated that I have to put the Free Shipping first because the program reads the first and second rule and because they match doesn't look at the 3rd...however, when I put the Free Shipping rule first the site then shows no shipping rules at all. Frustrated!



Dear Marne,
Sorry to see you frustrated. Before replying to you, of course, I tested the rules:
I took your exact rules, put them on and simply moved the rule for free shipping first (the reason is explained in my original answer, basically it is because the plugin uses the first rule that matches). It seemed to work perfectly.
You can check it out yourself (, (limited) Admin access is admin/admin at, the corresponding shipment method with your rules is "Reinhold Free Shipping").

So, either I am misunderstanding your problem or you appear to have a slightly different configuration (maybe some additional restrictions in the shipment method?).

Can you provide some more information?

Best regards,