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How to change address on invoices.....Please help

Started by alyssaanne1, June 10, 2013, 13:33:10 PM

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I want to customize my vendor address that prints to the invoice.  I ship from a different address so for shipping to work i need one address in the back end but want our actual address to show on the invoice. 

I can't get the invoice header to change no matter what i remove or modify.... Am i in the wrong file??? 

I've been in the com_virtuemart/views/invoice/tmpl/invoice/php   directory but can't seem to break this function apart.

Thank you so much for the help!!!


Make sure you are editing \components\com_virtuemart\views\invoice\tmpl\invoice.php

On the line no 42, you have

<div class="vendor-details-address">
<?php //Attention this is removed, please use directly
                //echo $this->vendorAddress;
echo shopFunctions::renderVendorAddress($this->vendor->virtuemart_vendor_id'<br />');


You can edit this manually by removing php code between the <div> tag and writing your own HTML code like:

<div class="vendor-details-address">
<span id="shopname">Your Shop Name</span><br>
<span id="address">XYZ street,<br />Strathbogie<br /> 2123</span>

You need to write CSS for these span tags to keep them aligned in \components\com_virtuemart\assets\css\vmsite-ltr.css.

And for emails, you need to edit mail_html_header.php in the same folder.
Remove <?php echo $this->vendorAddress; ?> and write your address in HTML format.

Hope this helps you.


Thank you yes this helps.

I did what you wrote but nothing has changed on the invoices... What should the css look like? Maybe i did that wrong???  I don't know sorry.

Thank you for the help!!! I really appreciate it.