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iPhone Cart layout

Started by 9line, June 04, 2013, 21:51:36 PM

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Hopefully someone out there has had the same issue, when viewing the cart on an iPhone, certain fields are causing the page to be bigger than the iPhone display.

I am using a responsive theme that has nicely worked for the rest of VM, its the cart and billing/shipping information pages that cause the issue.

Please could someone guide me in the right direction as to where I am going wrong.

For anyone who would like to take a look at it, the site is currently located at

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.


Check the site in safari browser and if some issue happens fix it there,,Because if it is ok in safari then it will be fair in iPhone also.



The site displays fine inside of Safari on my Mac, I have attached a screen capture of the issue on the iPhone.

Many thanks.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
