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Email-input-box-label is is a wrong place. How to fix it?

Started by amymattian, May 03, 2013, 08:27:28 AM

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I am trying to make One Page checkout for Virtuemart and VP-Eden Vm2 layout work together, but having one problem. The form for invoicing-address is a bit twisted and I don't know how to fix it since I'm not a coder. Can anyone guide me to the right way to fix the layout please!

Here is the page:

The invoicing address Label (LASKUTUSOSOITE) and email-label (sähköposti) are side by side when email-label (sähköposti) should be UNDER the heading and on top of the email-input-box. How can I fix this and get the email-label to where it should be? Any ideas?
