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After new shipping address returns to wrong page

Started by dzséti, November 17, 2012, 00:50:49 AM

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Using 2.0.10 and I've noticed that after entering a new shipping address from account maintenance the link returns to the cart page not the maintenance page.

There seems to be something wrong in the links in <?php echo $this->lists['shipTo']; ?> in edit_address_addshipto.php (the link to the edit page includes "cartST" when I guess it should be something like "accountST" or whatever) so that the edit page thinks the arrival is from the cart and hence returns there.

But I cant work out which php script sets the lists['shipTo'] links.

Help would be appreciated.


Just wondering if you could update 2.0.14 then try?


I have made one or two hacks and aim to get 2.0.10 working first - but maybe I am following the wrong route?

Anyway I noticed this in edit_address.php:

<input type="hidden" name="task" value="<?php echo $this->fTask// I remember, we removed that, but why?   ?>" />

The "I remember ...." may be the clew to the answer - I am now fairly sure that the fTask is the problem here.

Following you suggestion - at least in part - I have looked at the edit_address.php code in version 2.0.14, but this does not change the situation.


After some further research on fTask, I notice that the controller user.php sets this to 'savecartuser' - presumably when an address has been modified in the checkout process - and this is not overridden when changing an address starting from the user's account page. Generally it makes sense to take the user back to the cart, if he is logged as a cart user during the process. My problem is that the fTask remains 'savecartuser' even in these two cases and this will be very irritating for the shopper!

1) if the cart is emptied before checkout
2) after completing the checkout process (when the cart is emptied automatically)

IE if the user changes an address, he will be taken to the empty cart after saving (or cancelling) the modification

This is a quite complex process issue and I am nervous about changing it without some guidance from a pro - help would be appreciated!!



This is starting to drive me nuts. The link at from the user page (from lists['Shipto'])


... includes 'editaddresscartST.html' when it seems more logical that it should be simply 'editaddressST.html' ie without 'cart' in the middle - there is a similar function in user.php called editaddressST()

The link which I expected to see here and which is generated by:

$addLink = '<a href="' . JRoute::_ ('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=' . $task . '&new=1&addrtype=ST&virtuemart_user_id[]=' . $userModel->getId (), $useXHTTML, $useSSL) . '"><span class="vmicon vmicon-16-editadd"></span> ';

seems to have been replaced by this new (incorrect?) link, but I cant work out where or why.

Help please!


I am having the same issue I think at least. If a person clicks on the edit address from the cart, then click save, they are returned back to the account and not the cart. Did you ever find a fix for the redirect not working. I know that joomla sef and vm sef have issues but I seem to have fixed that kink other than this minor annoying detail.
No such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer. I won't ask if I know the answer or found it using the search as you suggested.