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Virtuemart payment on Facebook's iframes

Started by davilafran, April 01, 2013, 18:06:44 PM

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Hi folks!

I was wondering how to make Paypal's payments functional when I have my website iframed within a Facebook app. Joomla and Virtuemart work flawlessly but when it comes to check out, the paypal redirection doesn't work.


I've been reading about a workaround for this problem that consists in making the checkout button target as "_top" or "_parent". Apparently this will do the trick, as it will open the check out completion process on a new window.

My problem is that I don't know how to do this.

I have reached the file /com_virtuemart/helpers/shopfunctionsf.php and I'm guessing if this behavior can be set up here. But where? Do I need to touch any other file?

It would be nice to have this type of option for VM, though I don't know if php can detect the iframe thing to make it operate automatically.

Any help is really appreciated.