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register interest in a product

Started by maxelcat, March 15, 2013, 12:13:13 PM

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I know that I can set up the wonderful VM so that it sends an invoice rather than take payment so I figure this should be possible but just want to check.  I need to set up a "Register interest" like this:

  • no prices display
  • user adds products to basket (ideally only 1 of each)
  • submits - email sent - in effect to register interest.
  • Owner contacts to discuss prices

It feels like this should all be doable really but then I have only set up one VM before!

Many thanks



Yes that is doable.

Use template overrides to hide price display, use language overrides change a few text strings, and use a purchase order type of purchase system.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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