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I screwed something up in a PHP file. I think...

Started by studabakah, March 15, 2013, 08:40:28 AM

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I'm having image problems, which I'll address later. I think I screwed up the "single.php" file in VirtueMart and now I'm getting the error message you see in the attached image. Any ideas how to fix this? I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the extension, but the problem persists.

Once this is fixed. The problem I'm really trying to address has to do with the thumbnail (in the category) and the main image (in the product page) shown in the attached image. No matter what directories I change, it either pulls from the thumbnail for the large image or pulls the large image for the thumbnail. I've tried creating 2 separate files appropriately sized as well as letting Virtuemart configure itself. It does one or the other. I can provide a link to the site once my first issue has been addressed, if needed.

Thank you in advance!

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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