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[SOLVED] Advice on upgrade from 2.0.6 to 2.0.18b

Started by anotart, March 01, 2013, 17:46:44 PM

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I am a novice with virtuemart, having installed it on just one site.  This site has updates available, but I'm a bit nervious to proceed because when I did one of these before the site went live, it totally broke something (at this point, I don't recall what).  The only way I could fix it then was roll back.

Additionally, this client is not inclined to pay for an upgrade that I need to charge for.  However, if this is a security issue, I don't want to leave it be.  There is very little traffic to this store.

Is this upgrade important from a security stand-point?  Any advice is welcome.

Thanks so much,


Yes, this is a security issue. Versions below 2.0.10 are considered as unsecure.

The usual thing that needs updating in those older vertsions are template overrides, if used. But all changes are described in the live update info - see and work backwards.

Test the update on a backup copy of the live site. You don't say which Joomla version, but all below J2.5.9 require updating.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you very much for your answer.  All of my sites are on 2.5.9, one plus!  I appreciate the link to the documentation, too.



I did the upgrade on a local copy to test everything.  One problem I'm having is the language override.  I've done a good bit of searching but not sure what the problem is.

Originally, I changed COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_CART_INFO_CREATE_ACCOUNT, adding instructions for new customers.  On the local site, that item seems to be there with the correct content.  I can click on it from the override list and that is what appears.  But, it does not show on the frontend.

However, if I search for the variable, it does not appear, and if I search for the constant, it shows up with different text (which also doesn't appear on my frontend). I haven't explored other language overrides I did.  Did something change?  Any help in finding this would be appreciated.  Thank you.


If you used overrides correctly then they do not get overwritten during a VM update.

But if there are new language strings not yet translated into your language then you will see the variable name. In which case you can check in
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you for your reply.  Unfortunately, I don't have a password to access the first link.  But, I believe I used the overrides correctly.  I have since seen that the others I used are still there.  And, I confirmed that this one that isn't appearing is in the override file. 

I also have spent a lot of time hunting today, including the second link you listed.  I'm at a loss as  to what to do next.  I've searched in the forums and google for COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_CART_INFO_CREATE_ACCOUNT and can't find it.  Is it possible it is no longer used?  Is there a place that tells you how and where these language constants are used?

If you are willing to look, the page I'm having a problem with is:  (this is the live "un-updated" site -- I'm working local to test).  The text under "Add/Edit biling address information" and before "Displayed Name" is what I can't figure out how to recover.

I really appreciate you help!


Sorry I made a typo in the ost url (I spelled it correctly!) they use

Might manage a look later but have too much paying work at the moment.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



Thank you for your help.  Just letting you know that I finally figured this out.  The constant in the language file seemed to be changed.  When I finally found the correct entry, it worked fine.  The old one was COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_CART_INFO_CREATE_ACCOUNT, the new one COM_VIRTUEMART_ORDER_PRINT_CUST_INFO_LBL.  The new one doesn't make much sense to me, but it worked.

I appreciate your help.