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Related Products Issue

Started by jade Quinton, November 06, 2015, 22:08:30 PM

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jade Quinton

Hello, please could someone point me in the right direction, I have been struggling with the "related products" that appear on the bottom of the page when you view a product in Virtue mart. They always appeared correctly but afew days ago I noticed they had  become very large, displaying vertically down the page. The images are completely stretched. I have removed the template completely and re-copied the original but that didn't even seem to work. I'm not sure where the issue is lying? I'm stumped!
Joomla! 2.5.8, not sure the version of virtuemart.
Here's what it looks like:
If someone could guide me to remove related products completely from default_relatedproducts.php that would be amazing.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks a mil. Jade

GJC Web Design

hmmm .. someone has made a mess in your template

even if I fix the width etc there are missing images and text .. u can see the stray html

If u don't want related products just remove them

or hide all this with css

or correct the css to get the proper layout

div.related-products-view .product .spacer img {
  height: auto;
#related-products .product {
  width: 30%;

and fix the template html
GJC Web Design
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jade Quinton

Hi Guys, I posted here yesterday with an issue regarding the layout of "Related products" at the bottom of the page. Some responded and said I can fix the issue in the css file but I would ideally like to remove all "related products". I'm not sure how to remove it in the virtue mart css file?(What lines to edit or remove without everything being effected) I'm very new to virtuemart so please bear with me.


You cross posted again. The other message has been deleted. And also started a new thread, which has been mered with the original.

Joomla! 2.5.8, not sure the version of virtuemart.

Versions are important. Especially as Joomla 2.5.8 is not only very old, but it is known to be insecure.

Remove related products from each product using the product editor.  Or hide them with a css override:
.product-related-products  {
    display: none;

See the docs:

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

jade Quinton

THANK YOOOOOOOUUUUU so much!!!! You are a star!!!! :-*