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show all shop products on frontpage with add-to-cart button

Started by polarfuchs, February 11, 2013, 20:16:41 PM

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Hi forum members!

two questions.

1) Is it possible to show all shop products on the shop frontpage? In vm 1.9 I yoused the link "show all products", I can't find this option any more.

2) If a category ist chosen all products are shown on the frontpage. Is it possible to display the add-to-cart button for every product.

I am using vm 1.0.18a on j 2.5.9.

All the best from polarfuchs


1. that option is not included as it can cause browser/site crash problems, as we have a lot of stores with thousands of products. For a smaller site maybe something like this -  or

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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