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Http500 error when user has incorrect credentials

Started by rvhattum, October 12, 2012, 19:39:39 PM

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Hi all,

I have a question regarding the login form within Virtuemart on the my account page. When a user has mistyped his credentials (or the user does not exist) the login form ends in an http error 500. I thought the problem occurs within the Theme i use but after i uninstalled it the error still occurs. Is this a known issue in Virtuemart 2.0.10?

My site with the login is:

Hopefully you guys can help me...

Greetings from Holland,


500 errors are recorded in the server error log. Have a look there, as it will tell you what the problem is.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Hi Kelvyn, i have checked the logs and the only information i can see related to this error is these: - - [13/Oct/2012:12:20:50 +0200] "POST /index.php/maakbestel/index.php HTTP/1.1" 500 1049 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/536.26.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.1 Safari/536.26.14"

The error log gives me not any information, except an SSL issue: [Sat Oct 13 12:16:35.663378 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 24848] AH01909: RSA certificate configured for does NOT include an ID which matches the server name. But is has another timestamp so i think this has nothing to do with the 500 errors.

Can you figure out with these logs what is happening here?


In case that somebody is still having issues with this.
GO to Site->System Infotmation->Directory Permissions and check that logs dir is writable as Joomla is storing error messages here. If dir is not writable then Error 500 occurs