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Automatic redirection to Cart

Started by smird, August 14, 2012, 16:54:12 PM

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Dear All,

I have disabled popup window after pressing "Add to cart" button. Is it possible to turn off automatic redirection to Cart, after pressing the button "Add to cart"? So, I want it just stays on the same window or goes to category.

Any help is highly appreciated.



Hi, have you figured out how to do this? does anyone know how it can be done? i have disabled the modal pop up and now the add to cart button redirects the customer to the cart page...i need it to stay on the same page. I've searched all over the forum but there's no tips on how to achieve this... : (


Peter Pillen

You could just adapt your Css file and set the visibility of the pop-up to hidden. For example in my case, the popup has the id #facebox and class .popup.

So if I search in my css file and I lookup (or add) the line that says #facebox .popup { ... , I just add visibility:hidden; and I do the same for #facebox_overlay { ...

You will probably find those css styles in facebox.css and this just hides the popup and the overlay for the viewer and they can just continue browsing. But keep the popup enabled, otherwise your visitor will always be redirected to the cart!


It worked wonderfully, thank you so much!! : )


it works but there is one problem, when modify facebox.css or delete it at all, it still asks for extra click, for example you press add to cart, you stayin the same page, but the website is not active, you have to press one click so that website becomes active. No pop up mesege, bu it still ask for click. So to by next product, you have to press mouse click

I think i have to make some php changes, maybe somene knows where

maybe someone knows ..
