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Overriding default_customfields.php doesn't work

Started by nullachtfuffzehn, December 04, 2012, 16:51:12 PM

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I'm working on a store with VM 2.0.14 and try to override the display of custom fields.

I copied the files to my template and started to make changes. Changing the display of images in default_images.php worked well and fit to my needs.

But when I made changes to the default_customfields.php nothing happened. Even when I copied the file to the components directory. I also deleted the php code within the wrapping div tag and replaced it with some dummy text. But to no avail. It still looks like the standard output.

I also checked the vm-files if the override wouldn't be triggered by mistake (could happen) but the code seemed to be correct.

Did I do something wrong or is it a bug? Don't know.

Maybe someone can shed some light on it.

Thanks for your help in advance.


Right now, while waiting for a response, I was looking to go on with the next task, namely to change the add to cart button.

Surprisingly I found the same code as in default_customfields.php in the default_addtocart.php. So I thought I missed to pick the right file. But it didn't work either, for whatever reason...

Are there some more files to look at? At the first glance, the new concept looked good so far. But being unable to find the right files for a simple task is quite a bit annoying.


Ok, I've been rolling the store back and started from the scratch. Now it works with the default_addtocart.php as well as the rest.

Seems something has gone wrong with the files after the last updates.