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Checkout button redirects to editaddresscheckoutBT.html [SOLVED]

Started by otzi1985, November 01, 2012, 22:59:54 PM

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Joomla: 2.5
VM: 2.0.12f

I have a problem which is the following:

1 - Not registered user puts a product in the cart
2 - User has got to register when he wants to buy the product (so far so good)
3 - When the user is registered he is being redirected back to the shopping cart
4 - Last step is to click the green Checkout button below but...
5 - User is being redirected to index.php/mijn-account/editaddresscheckoutBT.html

Things I have checked:

- There is a login.php file in my override files at [mytemplate]/html/user/..
- Under the user manager of joomla, activation of account is self

I have a couple of users that are registered in the backend of my joomla website and when I use one of these accounts everything works fine so I think the problem lies somewhere in the registration area but can't figure it out, drives me nuts for a couple of days now please help!



So I accidentally used an email address which was already used in the back-end of my shop, but at the registration form it didn't highlight it  :D, anybody knows how to make that happen?



Joomla should check the email as it is Joomla's login that is used. Maybe try adding the following to you Joomla template index.php head section - this used to make Joomla error messages display:
<jdoc:include type="message" />
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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