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Started by danCrookes, July 20, 2012, 20:36:50 PM

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Apologies if this has been asked/solved before but i cant find exactly the answer i am looking for.

All i want to do is basically display these 2 fields for each product, but how? in the admin area there is only RRP, and even when i add some description of discount to the product its just giving me the final price on the front end, is what im after possible?

If it makes any difference i have all of the "show price" things ticked in the config area, but still the only thing that shows on the front end is the final price?

am i doing something wrong or is what i want not possible?


Hey, did you manage to resolve this? I managed to fix it yesterday if you havent sorted it. I am using Joomla 2.5 and virtuemart 2.0.12b and I will gladly let you know what files I had to modify to get the RRP to show. I also set it up so this could be turned off in the administrator. Have a look at my site to see if its what you actually wanted: but be careful as this shop is for the older audience :)

Incidentally I have also done this with ZEN cart if anyone is interested and that can be seen here