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Cannot put products on sale?

Started by toad78, October 17, 2012, 19:48:15 PM

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I'm trying to put a product on sale, but when I do, the 'Sale' price is the same as the 'Retail' price.

I have a variety of products under their own parent categories. To create an item to be on sale, I was instructed to create a new, unpublished category. So I did, called 'On Sale'. I then went to 'Tax & Calculation Rule Details' and created one (attachment provided).

I then went to the shopper group 'default':
Name: -default-
Published: Yes
Show Following Prices (All of these are checked):
Show Prices
Baseprice modificator
New baseprice modified by chosen product variant
Baseprice with Tax, but without discounts
Baseprice with Tax, but without discounts
Discounted Price without tax
Salesprice with discount, but without override
Final salesprice
Salesprice without tax
Discount amount
Tax amount

I then went to the product:
Published: Yes
Product SKU, Name, Alias, and Manufacture all filled in
Product Categories: Gluten Free, On Sale, Pistachios
Shopper Group: blank
Product Details page: no override
Cost price: 7.49 US Dollar
Base price: 7.49
Final price: 7.49
Override: 0 Disabled
Pricing rules overrides:
Tax: Apply default rules
Discount type: 15% off (this was the Tax/Rule I created)

After saving, I go to the frontend where the only thing I see in the category I've chosen for the item I created is the thumbnail, heading and the Retail: $7.49 and Sale: $7.49

Why doesn't it show the 15% discount rule I created?

[attachment cleanup by admin]


Okay, I've managed to be able to fix the pricing issue by just using the 'Override Final' selection, even though I don't think that this will solve future issues.

My next issue is that items that are not on Sale still seem to show the price 'Sale' on the item, which should only show a 'Retail' price.