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Change shopping cart layout

Started by capricornio, May 14, 2012, 01:34:47 AM

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I've managed to change the layout of the shopping cart using template overrides, but still have some open issues.

1. The login form shows up even when customer is logged on. Is it possible to show the form only when customer is not logged on ?
2. In the login form there is no button to register. Is that possible, which files needs to be adjusted ?
3. When logged on the billing information shows the email address on top. Is it possible to remove it or put it below all other info
4. Ship-to info contains the nickname. Can this be hidden somewhere ?
5. Is it possible to remove a shipping address ? I haven't found any link for it.
6. Is it possible to show the TAX percentage on every productline instead of the TAX amount ?

Hope anyone can help me with some of these issues.


Did you ever find the answers to these questions? I have the same problems... thx