Add Shipment and Payment 'Save' and 'Cancel' Buttons disappear....

Started by gospelfood, June 29, 2012, 09:04:16 AM

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I am working with Virtuemart 2.0

I have been trying to find the assets/css line to edit the hover colors or figure out where and how exactly to write them, or possibly how to change the 'button class' in the .php files so that the attibutes in the assets/css files apply to them.
On my site, when I go to select the shipping method or payment method, the buttons 'Save' and 'Cancel' are white with black lettering. When you hover over them the lettering turns white or very light gray and makes the button look completely white and the lettering 'disappears'.
I would like to change the color, but need to know which line. I think it would be either in the css vmsite-ltr php file or the select_payment.php and select_shipment.php file that would need to be changed. Also, on the coupon code, there is no hover effect on the save button, so that would be nice to add too (possibly in the default_coupon.php file). These .php files are located in views/cart/tmpl. and the vmsite-ltr file is located in assets/css.  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I also have issues with these buttons not appearing. it appears there are some that show in IE and some that show in FF, did you sort it ?