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demo.virtuemart shopping cart?

Started by jen697, August 01, 2012, 00:20:03 AM

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So before I installed virtuemart, I went on the demo site and really loved the straightforward checkout process. Upon installing it on my site however, I found it looks very different from the demo. For example, the shopping cart page is very cluttered with the login in, bill to, and ship to section included above the actually shopping cart. Whereas on the demo site, it is just the shopping cart without any extra sections to clutter up the page. How do I bring this beautiful functionality to my site and clean up all this clutter on the shopping cart page?

VirtueMart 2.0.8e
Joomla: 2.5.6



[update]: I figured out how to remove the bill to and ship to section by adding .billto-shipto{display:none;} to the stylesheet.

I still cannot figure out how to remove the login options from the main shopping cart page though.

Also, does anyone know how to remove the shipment and payment options from the shopping cart as well and have them show up in a later part of the checkout process?