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TCPDF Error at PDF-creation of invoice

Started by nitg, July 23, 2012, 12:01:46 PM

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I googled about 3-4 hours about this problem, but cant find any solution....
In use is the actual 2.0.8e Version of virtuemart.

If I want to create a invoice (or change the status of a order), I get the following error:
TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get image: /kunden/xxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxx/Homepages/JM2/libraries/tcpdf/cache/img_b51f81f5112719785a2241519b0f05d8

Can anyone help me please to solve this problem?


I solved the problem now!

The reasion in this case was, that i had a picture in the Terms... The terms will be added to the invoice - and cant find the picture-path....
So i deleted the picture from the terms, and invoice-generation now works :)