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Products as list

Started by hendo, January 23, 2012, 15:34:31 PM

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Since upgrading to VM 2.0 I cant find a way to display products as a list any more. Has this feature been removed completely?  I know about the move from themes to Views but does that mean we have lost this option forever?

I am sure this must have been asked else where but I could not find it so sorry if this a duplicate post.



I have also the same problem, can someone help us to find a way to display products as a list like in VM 1.x.

Thank you.


I have same problem. I want to show the products as list showing (product image, sku, product name, description, add to cart).
Is there any view I can download?


up !
I need this functionality too !!


you can modify your category template. Also have you tried to set show 1 row of products in vm config?