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Some untranslated strings

Started by razor7, June 26, 2012, 20:09:59 PM

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Hi, I had this unstranslated strings in order details.

I'm developing a payment processor, and I guess that maybe that strings must be in my processor lang file, but I don't know if it is a VM lang file issue.

Please see attachment.

What can I do to translate them?

thanks a lot!

[attachment cleanup by admin]
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

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The langage file is automatically loaded by joomla. There are some naming conventions:
If your plugin is named "mypayment", then the langage file should be named:
<language tag>.plg_vmpayment_mypayment.ini

and placed in the administrator langage folder.


Hi, I have developed a Lang file for this payment plugin, and it seems that is working because the plugin configuration shows all strings translated in vm payment plugin config section.

I think that untranslated strings are VM issue.

Am I correct? Or should I add that translation keys to my Lang file? Remember that Therese untranslated string are shown on order details and not in plugin process.

Please see attachment of first post.

Thans a lot!
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

Take a look at our downloads section for VirtueMart payment plugins and mouch more!


Well, you where righ, my fault, added untranslated strings to my payment methos lang file and solved!
MGS Creativa - VirtueMart Payment Plugin Experts

Take a look at our downloads section for VirtueMart payment plugins and mouch more!