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Checkout help needed...

Started by Actlas, May 07, 2012, 12:14:08 PM

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We are building a virtuemart 2 shop. The checkout process is the biggest problem.
This is the cart:

We would like to disable selecting a shipment method in step 1. They can only choose to pickup their order and when they want it shipped their is only 1 method based on their country.
In the next step they have to either register or login. (The different steps in the checkout proces aren't clearly defined at this moment in vm2?)
They also only need to accept the terms of agreement in the last step.
We would like a button visible on the site to check the contents of the cart. If nothing is in the cart it shouldn't be able to be displayed.

You can add a product to the cart here:

Could somebody please tell us if the following is possible and how to get started? I guess the code will have to be modified in different places?