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VM2 Search module modification

Started by kuba84p, February 24, 2015, 21:55:50 PM

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I need to modify search module, but I need some help. I'm using VM 2.6.6

When I enter some string (for example: 44)  to search input in frontend - I have many results, for example: 244,  abc 44, 14490, 212344 etc. But I need results only with whole word 44, for example: 44, abc 44. I'm using default VM search module.

I found good example which I can use:
FROM table
WHERE keywords REGEXP '[[:<:]]rid[[:>:]]'

But my question is: where (in which file) can I modify SQL with Select using for search ?

GJC Web Design

vm admin-> models/product.php .. u will see the queries there
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