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Forgot password?---Not working with in VM2 login

Started by websurf, March 29, 2012, 05:42:11 AM

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Me using joomla 1.7 virtuemart 2 and gantry framework.
While using forgot password option to reset password email is received with verification code.
can anyone give a suggestion to tackle this problem?


I have tested this issue to? in joomla 2.5.3 ( it still exists)
Yes there seems an issue with Joomla's sending of this code-
maybe you need to seek an answer in Joomla forums.


can i solve this issue by editing reset.php within com_users


I web surf,

I see you wrote a post in jooma with little to no luck -

I did see in joomla a suggestion regading going into the data base - I don't think that com.user files will help do anything.

* This is a  component of joomla - as the updated joomla is trying to prevent hacking - it will probably think you are trying to do the same thing.

* I know you cannot get back into the site due to this problem and really only the joomla - experts are really going to help  solve this issue.

* I was posted an update that says on april 2nd there might be a joomla update. this may solve your issue iFF joomla is set to automatically update. ?


I updated to 2.5.4 today -

tried to ask for the user name and password - It displayed a screen saying " the superuser cannot retrieve their password using this method"

* can you try - but use another user you have added to the site -