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Add to cart issue again (sorry but I can't find the solution)

Started by boucdur, March 23, 2012, 18:06:21 PM

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Thank you for your answers,

I tried with a completly new website joomla 2.5 website and viruemart 2.02 wirth all the sample data with the default joomla template on.
The modal pop up doesn't work on firefox 3.6

I tried anyway to remove the stylesheet on my other test website with my own custom template.
Same thing, the modal pop up doesn't work on firefox 3.6

I agree with you jenkinhill, firefox is an old browser and everyone should upgrade it.
I use it myself only for a testing purpose.
Unfortunatly the statistics show that more than 5% of the users use this one.

So if I make a website for an important client I reckon I shouldn't ignore them.

Furthermore I tried to test in internet explorer 7 as well using the software ietester
It's true this browser is almost dead but not completly
3.3% of users use still this one in France
and still 0.85% still use internet explorer (I don't work anymore for them)
So alltogether if virtuemart 2 proves to have a problem on this "add to cart" function that means 8% of people can't buy anything on an ecommerce website virtuemart 2.
Then maybe it's not ready for production websites targeting everybody.

Or would that work better with an other hostong compagny ?


ok let's say I don't care about those 8 % of people who will soon disapear.
Still it would be better without that issue.