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Integrate paymate gateway to Joomla virtuemart

Started by Paymate, March 11, 2009, 09:49:59 AM

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            1. Login admin site with your login details.

            2. Go to menu, Click on the Components link and then select "Virtuemart" from the drop-down menu.

            3. Go to Administration menu, Click on the Store link and then click on the "List Payment Methods".

            4. In Payment Method List, Click on the "PayMate" payment method.

            5. Go to Payment Method Form, Click on the "Configuration" tab.

            6. In PayMate username input box, please enter right "username". (username from Paymate)

            7. In Payment Extra Info textarea box,select all text in textarea and then remove. Please copy the script

               from "script.php" page and then paste in textarea box and then save it.


            In project root please place the "paymate.result.php", please fallow below root path....



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Quote from: Paymate on March 11, 2009, 09:49:59 AM


            1. Login admin site with your login details.

            2. Go to menu, Click on the Components link and then select "Virtuemart" from the drop-down menu.

            3. Go to Administration menu, Click on the Store link and then click on the "List Payment Methods".

            4. In Payment Method List, Click on the "Paymate" payment method.

            5. Go to Payment Method Form, Click on the "Configuration" tab.

            6. In PayMate username input box, please enter right "username". (username from Paymate)

            7. In Payment Extra Info textarea box,select all text in textarea and then remove. Please copy the script

               from "script.php" page and then paste in textarea box and then save it.


            In project root please place the "paymate.result.php", please fallow below root path....



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Howdy Folks,

I just integrated this into one of my websites and after much wailing and gnashing of teeth I finally got it working. The problem is that Paymate will return three different payment status's when a payment is lodged with them:

1. Payment Accepted
2. Payment Processing
3. Payment declined

If payment is accepted then there are no problems and the order is set to confirmed in Virtuemart. The problem arises if Payment Processing is returned. In this case, the order is set to cancelled by the paymate module.

My workaround (not very elegant) is to make a new order status called "Awaiting payment confirmation" in the payment status table with a Status type of "A"

Then, in the paymate module change the following near the end of the script:

        else {
            // the Payment wasn't successful. Maybe the Payment couldn't
            // be verified and is pending
            $d['order_status'] = 'X';

Change the last line here to:
            $d['order_status'] = 'A';

The issue is that if the payment status types are updated in the future with a patch this will be overwritten.




Is there a way to integrate Paymate as a live payment processor, rather than being redirected to paymate?


This script is a bit old. Is there a better paymate plugin which handles payment confirmation & other notifications back to the shop server?


Does anyone have any news on a Paymate Gateway for the new version of Virtuemart? Is there a way to use the old module somehow with the new VM? I have tried to find a way to do this (by extracting the code from the configuration of the old module and putting it into the generic payment method module) but have had no luck so far.

Look forward to your answers!