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Number of products / page

Started by tzeus, May 18, 2012, 15:43:02 PM

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I have a situation and didn't manage to resolve it.
the website is located at
The problem is that it only shows 5 products / page. Which is very weird. This only happened after the latest update from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6. Before that i had 12 products / page( 4 rows of products). I think it has nothing to to with Joomla as explained in another topic because Joomla configuration has max list = 10.
I use Joomla 2.5 And VM 2.0.6

I use a custom file for the first page, it is named featured.php. so most lilkely the problem is not from the view, but from somewhere else.


Does anyone know how i can fix this?


AT least tell where i should look for the error. I changed the template used, in default from featured.php(which was custom) and still 5 products per page. Only in first page, the rest of the pages(category view) are ok.


I have the same problem with VM2.


Did anyone find a solution?
Need urgently a solution.
It only shows about 8 or 9 products at once - depends on how many products in a row.
Dont want pagination - need a fix to display all products at once.
Need help!