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still nothing after manual install

Started by triet, July 15, 2004, 01:14:38 AM

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I have both installed mamboshop automatically and manually, published it, but every time I click in administrator/module/phpshop  i get a blank screen. Also, in the homepage,  display is broken whenever tho phpshop appears.

Have i missed something?


This problem appears seldom....some users have reported this issue and I can't say what is causing this. sure to have default server configuration...

ciao, soeren
The future of eCommerce: VirtueMart & Joomla!



I have found out why it doesn't work
I used the french language,  and guess what i'va found: lines were not terminated with semi-colons !  :mad:

let me know if you want the corrected script

Post edited by: triet, at: 2004/07/15 13:29