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Cart Empty Problem

Started by NaisA-, December 04, 2018, 00:54:38 AM

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Was wondering if anyone can help me solve this problem. Just moved a site live here - - and whenever you try to add a product to cart, it shows the Cart is Empty message. I've scoured old topics and cannot solve this.

Version is 3.8.13 and PHP version is 7.0.32 (I know the version is old, but on the dev site the cart does work(

For some reason, whenever I change this line in configuration.php

public $live_site = '';


public $live_site = '/market';

it causes it to show up on Chrome, but breaks the theme. It still doesn't show on other browsers. However, whenever I revert the change, it temporarily works on Chrome, but not Firefox or Internet Explorer, if that makes any sense. No, there isn't SSL certification and I've already tried switching themes. I've also looked at console, but it's not spitting any jQuery errors.

Any ideas?


Provide full link, not relative link only.

GJC Web Design

IMHO should always be empty

public $live_site = '';

Is there from memory for Windows servers

have u forced either www or non www?
GJC Web Design
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