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Hide product price without tax & label on category view

Started by alexanderflr, August 14, 2017, 17:16:37 PM

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VM 3.2.2 on Joomla! 3.7.4 Stable, PHP Version 7.0.18
It's there any way to hide price without tax & label on category view? I would like to have that only on the product details page.

Thank you,
VM 3.2.8, Joomla 3.8.3, PHP 7.0.26

K&K media production

Each price has his own css class. Please use firebug to inspect your code to find the right class and hide it with css. It should something like that:

.browse-view .PricepriceWithoutTax {
  display: none;



Thank you very much, I really looked for that almost the entire day  :'(
Have a great day!
VM 3.2.8, Joomla 3.8.3, PHP 7.0.26