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check out as guest only

Started by fabvincent, June 22, 2017, 15:23:16 PM

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Hi, I need to have my virtuemart working as a check out as guest only.
The template I'm using is acting strange and if I don't check the "allow account creation on check out", the cart won't go through the regular process and stops at step 2. Well, what I need to know is what file controls the renderControlButtons($this,$rview); that I have on the edit_address.php so I could just hide out the checkout and register button.
VM3,2,2 joomla 3,7
Thanks a lot.


Nevermind boys and girls,
I just realized that the function was at the beginnig of the page and the rendercontrolButtons just called it from below. I got it now, everything is ok. Thanks.